Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Blessing of Technology

After we left Nora in December, we knew we would have to rely on technology to keep us in contact with her.  I seriously do not understand how on earth international adoptions were dealt with before the invention of internet...oye!  We knew we would get pictures from various groups heading down to MTM for their mission trips, but had no idea how many that would be over the months and months of this adoption.  We have actually gotten MANY and we feel so blessed because of it.  Little did we know how many other people God would put in our path to also give us photos of our little sweetheart beyond the teams at MTM.  With the blessing of technology, we have been able to see her grow before our virtual eyes.

Beyond those blessed photos, our church mission trip group who went to MTM in February were able to bring home a video of them praying over Nora while they were there (can be seen here).  Priceless. Absolutely priceless.  That same team tried to get Skype to work for us, but there were complications and it didn't happen...we were bummed to say the least.

Well, after two other failed attempts at Skype throughout the last week, I have great news...we DID get to Skype with Nora today!!!!!!  YEAH!!!!!  It was so amazing and wonderful to see her in action.  We have not held her in our arms for 8 months.  We haven't seen her move at all for 6 months (since that video from our church group).  All these months of beautiful photos with no movement, no action, no "life"....until today.

Please enjoy a brief snippet here of our Skype call.  A special, special thank you to Ashley--a dear friend and angel helper to our children at the orphanage this month.  The best moments of this call for me were seeing her cuddle up on Ashley's shoulder (makes me SO excited to have her do that to my own shoulder) and then also hearing her cry.  I know that sounds weird, but just to hear a sound out of her mouth was so wonderful--even if it was a little cry.  I had no idea what her cry even sounded like at this point.  It is moments like this that most moms take for granted because they hear them or see them every day, but when you don't get that chance, these are so amazingly wonderful.

(You will hear Quinn wondering where Maddie is at the beginning of the video.  This is referring to Maddie, our niece, who we have been Skyping with since she started the isolation period of her battle with cancer.  His little 2 1/2 year old self had a hard time understanding that this was not with Maddie also)

Praising God today for technology.  It has allowed our sweet Nora to see all of our faces as well as us to see hers in the midst of the wait.


  1. Sorry for all of Jude's "roarrrs" in the background!! It was a great video though and it is amazing how technology brings you closer to her!

    1. Pretty sure that was not only Jude, but Toby too! : ) Thanks for being our Skype location! : )
