Sunday, July 29, 2012

I'm Still the Same "Angie" #6-Etch-A-Sketch Beginnings

A note my sister left me at some point in high school.
Every habit, gift, talent, interest, or hobby begins somewhere.  My artistic giftings have been passed on to me from the generations past.  My mom, my aunt, and my grandpa were all art teachers.  It seems as if God also blessed me with this same family trait.  I enjoy painting murals, working on the Etch-A-Sketch, digital scrapbooking, photography, and my favorite--watercolor painting (although that one seems to be put on hold a bit with young kids running around everywhere).  I took on the Etch-A-Sketch as a young girl when my parents let my sister and I be involved in the Etch-A-Sketch club.  Here are some of my early drawings as an elementary school student...

A few times I had my etchings publicized in their club newsletter...

A few times I even did well in their contests...

Most importantly, I have had fun over the years messing around on the Etch-A-Sketch for my kids and then this past year to raise money for our adoption.  There are certainly Etch-A-Sketch artists WAY better than I, but I know I can do more than a square on there, so I have fun doing what I can do.

If you haven't seen some of my other Etch-A-Sketch drawings before, you can view some of them in my past posts herehere, and here.

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