Three stunning ladies...
Madison Joy Pflug. My sweet niece in the fight of her life this week and next and in the coming months ahead. Today is her 4th day into her full body, 2x a day radiation treatments which are all getting her body ready for her bone marrow transplant scheduled for this next Tuesday. She has endured some really yucky days of nausea so far and we are praying for her medicines to kick in here and get her headed in a more positive direction. Isolation began today. 6-9 weeks of isolation. Isolation from her little sister, Sydney, as well as the majority of people. I can't even get my brain to wrap around that feeling. Dan put this photo out on facebook today and I just wept. There is something incredibly beautiful and profoundly sad captured in this photo--these girls are meant to live life side-by-side, yet for the next few months that isn't going to be possible. God, would you grant them each tremendous patience, internet capabilities to make video chats a constant ability, and the assurance that their love and relationship as sisters who have endured separation will be that much stronger and blessed in the future.
Maddie, you are a rock-solid, determined, bald and bold witness of God's unending love. Your fight against cancer has been amazing to watch. Your maturity has been an example for all of us to follow. Your determination to continue living life is exactly what I pray we all have when faced with challenges and struggles and battles of our own. You know Who is on your side and you rest in that fact. You don't challenge Him, you don't question Him, you don't hold anger against Him. You simply trust Him to love you, take care of you, draw others towards Him through your witness, and WIN this battle against cancer with you. I love you, Maddie, and I love the story you are writing with your life. God has BIG plans for you and I'm excited to watch it all unfold. I am so proud to be called your aunt, and I'm SO proud to be a part of "Team Maddie"!
Can I be honest with you? My heart is aching to hold this little one again soon. She just turned 9 months old this week and I haven't gotten to see her face to face in 7 of those months. It's agonizing as a mother. My spirit is aching that all of my children are not yet under one roof. My sister and I are in such different roads of life right now with her facing Maddie's cancer treatment and I facing our adoption, but there are a few things I feel we can relate to each other about...a great need for patience in ever-changing circumstances, praying for our daughters to have all the abundant blessings of the LIFE God desires them to have, and a deep desire to not have our children scattered in separate living spaces, but to have them all in our arms, in our homes...together. That is where I find my aching heart this week. A deep desire to have Nora physically in my arms.
Three little ladies. Three creations of God I am blessed to be forever tied to. Three little ladies who have changed my life and have the ability to change so many more--even yours. They are stunning...don't you agree?
I can relate to wanting to just hop on the plane and go! It is crazy and seems so impractical, but I haven't regretted any of the trips I have gone on. I would want to pinch those little knees as well - so cute! You are blessed to have three amazing young women in your life... as I'm sure they are blessed to have you.